Waterford Place Cancer Resource Center
What is Waterford Place? It’s a welcome haven, where anyone affected by cancer can find support, at no cost. Where staff and volunteers provide comforting and empowering resources for those in any stage of treatment or survivorship, as well as their loved ones. Here, you’ll find emotional and physical support through groups and classes, counseling, mind, body and spirit therapies, and many more powerful, healing programs. Waterford Place is the very spirit of community care: neighbors helping neighbors.

Waterford Program Guide
If you are dealing with a cancer diagnosis, get the support you need while staying safe. Waterford Place Cancer Resource Center provides virtual programming.

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Phone (331) 301-5280
Getting Started at Waterford Place
To participate in Waterford Place programming and support, please call (331) 301-5280 to schedule an individualized consultation and orientation. (available in English and Spanish).
Next, please complete a Participant Information form.
If you are interested in registering for yoga, movement, massage or an oncology facial, please have this medical form completed by your physician.