
Reproductive Genetic Services

Rush genetic specialists provide expert care for prenatal and newborn patients. From diagnosis to coordinated care, we'll support you and your baby's health.

Psychiatry and Psychology Services

From therapy and medication to newer options, we offer the full range of treatments for depression, anxiety, addiction, post-traumatic stress and more.

Sinus Surgery Services

Sinus surgery can often provide you with relief if you are suffering from chronic sinusitis, nasal polyps or other chronic sinus conditions.

Thoracic Surgery Services

Thoracic surgeons at Rush are leaders in minimally invasive surgery for lung cancer, GERD and other disorders of the lungs, chest wall, esophagus and diaphragm.

Breast Imaging Services

RUSH offers the most advanced technologies to detect even the smallest breast cancers using 3D mammograms, automated breast ultrasound (ABUS), MRI and more.

Cardio-Oncology Services

RUSH is one of few health systems with a dedicated cardio-oncology program, which focuses on preventing or minimizing heart damage caused by cancer treatments.

Bariatric Surgery Services

RUSH offers a full range of bariatric surgeries for weight loss. We use minimally invasive options in most cases, resulting in faster recovery and less pain.

Interventional Radiology Services

Interventional radiologists at RUSH offer minimally invasive alternatives to surgery for cancer, vascular problems, spinal fractures and many other problems.

Cerebrovascular Neurosurgery Services

RUSH cerebrovascular neurosurgeons use the safest, most effective ways to treat conditions affecting the blood vessels, like stroke, TIA, brain aneurysm & AVM.

Spine Surgery Services

Rush offers minimally invasive spine surgery options, including alternatives to fusion, to address sciatica, spinal stenosis, herniated disc and more.