Coping With Holiday Stress

Managing stress for a joyful holiday

Santa Claus has a major toy building operation to oversee at the North Pole and an impossible delivery schedule to keep. Still, Kris Kringle finds a way to remain jolly.

Perhaps that's because he uses a tried and true strategy for keeping with holiday stress from ramping up. Santa Claus makes a list — and even checks it twice — to keep track of who's naughty and nice.

Lists are a great way for any of us to stay organized while contending with last-minute shopping, crowds, holiday travel, financial strain and dysfunctional family dynamics.

With all the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, it's easy for even the most jovial among us to become frazzled. And there is no shortage of negative ways to cope: Alcohol is plentiful and overeating is easy. But positive ways to manage stress aren't difficult to implement, either, so we suggest giving the following a try:

1. Stay organized.

To help you keep track of your many tasks, make an "ABC" list:

  • "A" consists of tasks that must get done today
  • "B" goals are to be done within two or three days
  • "C" goals should be completed within a week 

Having a set of clear goals will help you avoid becoming overwhelmed, which can happen if you suddenly forget something on a schedule that exists only in your head.

2. Try relaxation techniques.

  • Diaphragmatic breathing — While in a comfortable position, slowly inhale through your nose while focusing on expanding the abdomen rather than the chest. Then slowly exhale through your mouth and repeat the process for 10 minutes. Also, be aware of your breathing throughout the day. 
  • Muscle relaxation — Tense a muscle group and hold for eight to 10 seconds before releasing. Apply this to all major muscle groups. Releasing the tension brings a feeling of relaxation. With practice, you can use this technique after taking several slow, relaxed breaths whenever you notice an onset of physical tension.

3. Reframe your thoughts.

If you can't afford to host an elaborate meal, are family and friends really going to think poorly of you? Probably not, right?

Often, the realization that your worst nightmare isn't likely to come true is enough to alleviate the stress.

And if somebody does think poorly of you because there isn't a fancy spread, ask yourself: Is that person really a good friend?

Having a set of clear goals will help you avoid becoming overwhelmed, which can happen if you suddenly forget something on a schedule that exists only in your head.

Being mindful of your thoughts can be a powerful tool for regulating your mood. Often, negative thinking is unfounded.

If a negative event does occur, use the same type of self-talk to put it in perspective. If you dread seeing your in-laws every year and they validate that feeling with their behavior, remind yourself that you only have control over your own actions, their behavior is a reflection of themselves and not you, and the event won't last forever. 

It's a technique that can take some practice, and a cognitive-behavioral therapist can help if you're finding it tough to manage stress on your own and are feeling overwhelmed. It can be helpful for acute or chronic stress.

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