
Ear Infection in Children

Pediatric ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialists at Rush treat complex, frequent ear infections (otitis media), one of the most common childhood infections.

Food Allergy in Children

Peanut allergy and milk allergy are common kid allergies. Allergy symptoms occur when your child’s immune system reacts to food as if it were something harmful.

Food Sensitivity in Children

Many kids have food sensitivity, which is not the same as a food allergy. It is caused by the digestive system’s reaction to food enzymes or proteins.

GERD/Heartburn in Children

GERD occurs in children when stomach acid leaks into the esophagus and damages it. This can lead to vomiting as well as heartburn in older children.

Heart Murmur in Children

If your child has a heart murmur, pediatric cardiologists at Rush University Children’s Hospital can help.

Muscular Dystrophy in Children

Muscular dystrophy is a group of genetic diseases that affect the nervous system and cause progressive muscle weakening and degeneration. The primary muscular dystrophy symptom is muscle wasting (a decrease...

Kidney Disease in Children

Pediatric nephrologists at Rush care for children with kidney disease to manage symptoms, slow disease progression and improve quality of life.