Ear, Nose & Throat

Children’s Health

Snoring in Kids

Tips to soothe your child's snoring, and when to get help
Ear, Nose & Throat

Why Are My Ears Ringing?

An ENT specialist shares 10 strategies for coping with tinnitus
Patient Stories

Elzbieta's Story

Diagnosed with anaplastic thyroid cancer, Elzbieta turned to Rush for a second opinion, then surgery
Ear, Nose & Throat

Seeking a Second Opinion

Second opinions can help patients make more informed decisions about their health

Preventing Oral Cancer

Many oral (mouth and throat) cancers can be prevented with sensible self-care and healthy lifestyle choices
Healthy Living

Understanding Body Noises

Find out whether those snaps, crackles, pops and other bodily sounds are normal, or cause for concern
Ear, Nose & Throat

Chronic Cough in Kids

What to do when your child can't stop coughing
Ear, Nose & Throat

Don't Let Loud Music Harm Your Hearing

How to protect your hearing from the damage loud music can cause
Ear, Nose & Throat

Taking Care of Your Voice

Learn more about your voice and what you can do to keep it healthy
Healthy Aging & Caregiving

How Senses Change With Age

Why sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch can change over time
Senses change with age