Stories with tag: "Hand, Wrist & Elbow Pain"

Patient Stories

Diane’s Story

Excellent results from multiple surgeries motivate Wisconsin resident to drive hours for treatment
Diane tills the soil in her garden
Patient Stories

Barbara Hughes’ Story

With Jonathan Tueting, MD, as her surgeon, Barbara trusts that ‘everything will come out for the best’
Barbara Hughes
Bones and Joints

Preventing Elbow Injuries in Young Athletes

Arif Saleem, MD, an orthopedic surgeon with Castle Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine, shares ways to help prevent elbow injuries in young athletes.
Pitcher throwing baseball
Bones and Joints

Treatment for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Orthopedic surgeon Jonathan L. Tueting, MD, discusses the benefits of minimally invasive treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome
Bones and Joints

Preventing Dog Walking Injuries

These six strategies will help you stay safe when you're out with your pooch
Bones and Joints

When Technology Hurts

'Texting thumb' and other tech-related pain, explained