Stories with tag: "Health and Wellness"


Tips for Sheltering in Place

As shelter-in-place continues, remember these tips to help you through the next weeks
Rush News Article
Brain Health & Conditions

Boxing Class Helps Patients Fight Parkinson’s Disease

Rock Steady program offers intense workouts to condition body and mind
Copley MD boxing Victor
Allergies & Asthma

Myths and Facts About Food Allergies

Rush pediatric specialists debunk food allergy myths
Eggs, nuts, strawberries and other foods that may cause allergies
Food & Nutrition

Boost Your Immune System to Fight Off Illness

Simple dietary and lifestyle tips to strengthen your immune system and help keep you healthy

What to Know About Face Masks During COVID-19

Why masks are essential to protect against COVID-19 — and when you should wear one

Travel During COVID-19

What to know about going on vacation during the pandemic

COVID-19 Could Jeopardize Colorectal Cancer Screening, Prevention

Delayed screening for colorectal cancer is threatening to reverse progress on reducing the rate of the disease
Dr Hayden PT colon cancer screening FEATURE.jpg
Bones and Joints

Be a Safe Weekend Warrior

These 8 strategies will help keep you in the game
Man playing basketball
Bones and Joints

On the Cuff

A shoulder specialist offers four tips to help you prevent rotator cuff tears

The Right Time to See a Primary Care Clinician

Why now, in the wake of COVID-19, is the right time to develop a relationship with a family physician
Rush News Article